good riddance (time of your life)
yes, i know that song has become a cliche. i'm sorry, but i find the title super-appropriate for my last blog from La Réunion. Because, on the one hand, i doubt anyone who's read this blog or communicated with me over the course of the year will be surprised to know that i'm ready to leave. But on the other hand, in many ways i have had the time of my life. I've done things i never expected to do, like paragliding, and setting off across mountain passes in the middle of the night. With Vanessa i've been in the closest thing that i've had to a functional long-term relationship since gradutating from high school ;-) (sadly, that's more of a commentary on my love-life than on my relationship with Ness). I've met some absolutely amazing people. So, to wrap up, here's my inventory of what i'll be leaving behind me when i take that plane on Sunday.
Things i won't miss:
-daily sexual harrassment, incurred just by being female and outdoors
-the ridiculous traffic
-the gratuitous pollution
-feeling nervous about my language abilities
-being an elementary school teacher
Things i will miss:
-the view of the ocean
-the saturday market
-tropical fruits
-the weather (ugh, hello NY winters)
-my spanish class
-my children (when they're not being awful brats like my first class yesterday)
-speaking French (and franglais)
-my wonderful friends
and thus ends Moni in Reunion...i'm switching definitively to the new blog.
Au revior, et je vous aime!